
Wilson - Day 1

I enjoy seeing features in my garden and Wilson just "happened" one Saturday I decided to move earth around the garden to create a Teletubbies type of hill in a corner of the garden. My two teens got their working boots on and helped dig out earth from the shurbs part of the garden and wheelbarrowed the lot to a shady spot in front of the conservatory, where this hill was to find a home.

6 wheelbarrows later and I had enough earth to form a decent size hill about 2 feet high. I  hand compacted the mounds of earth into a  hill shape and it was only after I laid the roll of turf over the mound, as I stood back, little did I know that the hill I set out to create looked more like a tortoise's back than a hill. I quickly set to adding a mound of earth shaped like a head to the front of the mound and surely enough, Wilson came into being.

 Wilson giant land tortoise living sculpture by Meera LYNN

I cut and shaped some more turf to look like legs but there was a lot of 
work to be done to ensure the legs and head retained shape in any weather.

Wilson giant land tortoise living sculpture by Meera LYNN

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